“I AM” Poem
I am Linda Brown
I wonder if I can attend school in my neighborhood
I wonder if I can attend school in my neighborhood
I hear the angry voices say no
I see segregated public schools
I am African American
I pretend I walk to school with my new white friends
I feel Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP will help me win my case
I touch a nerve in white Southerners
I worry the Supreme Court will rule against us
I cry when I am spat upon
I am a rebel
I understand the Fourteenth Amendment
I say, “separate is not equal”
I dream my life will change now that segregation is unconstitutional
I try to make them not fear me
I hope I have made a difference
I am a hero
"War Wife"
I am a mother
While my husband is at war,
I try to provide
Its raining today on the corner where I lie.
With frostbitten hands, I hod my soggy sign.
The thunder reminds me of my time in the war.
My heart is heavy, calloused, and sore.
The speeding cars on the freeway overpass
sound like enemy jets, ready to attack.
Suddenly bombs are falling
so I drop to my knees and continue on,
After some time the thundering ceases.
I rise from the ground,
I rise from the ground,
everything in pieces.
Lifting countless bodies out of the dirt
I cant help but grow numb to the hurt
Since then its been forty years,
but even today I'm fighting back tears.
The haunting memories keep me awake
night after night
Unable to sleep,
I hold my sign tight.
I am a woman
Men try to tell me I can’t do it
They tell me I might hurt myself
I know I am capable of doing it
I am a woman
They expect me to stay home all day
He tells me “you can clean, cook, and clean”
I know I have something better to do with my life
I am a woman
He laughs at the woman on the streets protesting
We all know we are equal to men
All we are asking for is equality of civil rights and pay
I am a woman
I walk outside and join the protest
He is ashamed and furious
But I am not bothered by it
I am a woman
He wonders why we are doing this
He tells me this is not my place
I will prove to him I can do other things
I am a woman
I start work for the first time
The pay is not good, but I don’t mind
I will prove myself
I am a woman
My husband sees what I have done
He is impressed and surprised
I feel accomplished
I am a woman
We win in the fight for equal pay
Thank god for Title XII
I am an equal
I am a woman
Cinquain Poem
“Vietnam War”
Contain Communism
Napalm, soldiers, bombings
Hope, nationalism, death, hopeless
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